"They took out knives" in EDEK: Sizopoulos-Barnabas dispute over party finances

"War" in EDEK - The announcement of the party and the answer Barnabas


EDEK issued a statement regarding the party's finances, saying that "there was no financial loss for the party and no intention of embezzlement".

This announcement:

"The Investigative Committee appointed on the occasion of the recent publications for the examination of the checks issued by the Secretary of Finance, after completing its work, presented its conclusions at the last meeting of the Politburo.

Based on the Commission 's conclusions, the Politburo confirmed that there was no financial loss for the party and no intention of embezzlement. Therefore the issue is considered definitively over.

In addition, based on the suggestions / conclusions of the Research Committee, the party's collective bodies will be invited to proceed with a general study of possible additional procedures to further enhance the party's financial transparency ".

Barnabas denies with his announcement:

"The Press Office of KSEDEK today issued a press release with the above title and which is untrue and completely distorts the real decision of the Politburo which met on 05 / 08 / 2021, with a unique topic of discussion then research conducted by E.researchethics Ecommittee appointed by decision of the Politburo on 09/06/2021 to investigate the issue of issuing party checks by the Financial Director of the Movement to serve personal business interests.

Stthe session of 05/08/2021 I was officially invited, by the Secretary of the Central Committee, and I was present as an observer, in my capacity as a former Member of Parliament of the Movement.

The findings of the Research Committee were presented to the Politburo which was appointed from the Politburo, as I mentioned above. In the findings it was admitted that Economics Director indeed used party checks to serve personal business interests. The President of the Movement, as well as some of its members Politician Office accepted said placement, trying but to present the issue as if not happened nothing the fault, from the moment that OikoLegal Director after Publication of his activities from a daily newspaper returned the money to the fund of the Movement.

Unlike other competitors who were clearι, that this which happened was nothing more than the theft of party money and in fact a reputable lawyer and MP of the Movement testified to the PolitιOffice in writing that η masking of theft of money from the CFO, on behalf of the members of Politιof the Office, base of the Penal Code is considered complicity. In fact, urged them as the issue to be discussed was whether the Politburo should immediately report the case to the Police.

After the position of all members of the Politburo and the general conclusion that the Chief Financial Officer should be removed from office The President of the Movement presented the proposal to the Politburo, as he is given the right to transfer to the Chief Financial Officer the decision of the Politburo, as he submits parhis application for his duties, otherwise in his news session the Politburo would decide on termination of the Chief Financial Officer. THE This is a suggestion from the President received 10 votes.

The opposite proposal that was put before the Politburo for voting and which was clear, was as if the Politburo immediately dismissed the Chief Financial Officer and immediately proceeded to report him to the Police, receiving 7 votes.

Therefore, conclusively in one way or another, when you ask to resign the Chief Financial Officer alone, or to him pause the Politburo, this means guilt, otherwise he would not be asked.

Poς is possible η today's announcement of KSEDEK to completely falsify the decision of the Politburo and to state the following: "Based on the conclusions of the Committee, PolitOffice confirmed that there was no financial loss to the Party, nor any intention embezzlement. The matter is therefore considered to be definitively closed. "

Lookthat the President once again does not respect them decisions of its collective bodies Movement, falsifies the decisions themselves and despite the suggestions even reputable legalthe τth Movement, that effort camouflageof the eventof means complicity, it looks to try on masking of the fact that this raises much more questions than that before.

I call on the competitors, members of the Politburo who were present to react, because the current A"Press release of the Movement, not only humiliates the collective body called the Politburo, but also themselves."