Muslim Wedding in Prison Held for the First Time (VIDEO)

Muslim Wedding in Prison Held for the First Time (VIDEO)

E9A6FA73 6370 4081 9116 16576D121295 MARRIAGE, MUSLIMS, PRISON DEPARTMENT

"In the context of respect for human value and diversity, and in particular respect for religious freedom, a traditional Muslim wedding was held at the Prison Department, observing all religious customs.

The wedding was performed by the Imam and was attended by relatives of our detainee and his wife, their child, as well as our detainees. In the same context, several religious weddings and baptisms of Christian Orthodox, Catholics and Evangelists have taken place, as well as civil weddings and the Cohabitation Agreement between foreigners and Cypriots.

For the past seven years or so, the Prison Administration has allowed secularism in prisons, preserving the right to religious freedom as well as all human rights, which are fully interrelated and interrelated. 

All inmates have the right to carry out their religious duties and to have contact with their religious representatives whenever they wish.

At the Department of Prisons, respect for universal principles, freedoms and human rights, becomes a daily practice in all aspects of the lives of incarcerated people, cultivating healthy lifestyles and eliminating stereotypes, prejudices and inequalities.

"All people - incarcerated and free - are different, unique, but equal, and have the same rights without discrimination."

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