Meraklis disconnects screen at airport to play PlayStation (photo)

The young man decided that the airport screen could be used to play Apex Legends.

ImageHandler 1 playstation, airport, USA, young, Strange

A young man in the USA decided to spend a little more time meditating until the boarding of his flight began…

According to an Oregonlive report, the guy was at Portland Airport on Thursday and thought it was the right place to play with the PlayStation 4 he had with him.

So, he stood in front of a place where there were 7 screens and disconnected one of them, putting his game machine.

He grabbed a chair, sat down in front of it and started playing "Apex Legends", effectively rendering the one that showed the airport map.

As you can easily understand, it was not long before the airport security officials approached him in order to bring him back to order.

He wanted to finish it…
"This is something we never wanted to happen, because travelers need the information we put on these screens," airport spokesman Kama Simonds told KXL News.

He added: "Security officials approached him and politely asked him to disconnect the PlayStation and stop using the airport screen.

He just as politely asked them if he could finish his game, but unfortunately that could not be done. "
