Turkish side demands closure of Carpathian property rights in Strasbourg

imagew 15 Karpasia, Occupied, Turkey, Pseudo-state

The Turkish side is urging the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers to close the Fourth Transnational Appeal on the property rights of the people of Karpasia and their heirs, adding that this has already been delayed.

Greek Cypriot residents of Karpasia who settled permanently in the free areas can enjoy their properties without interventions, but also without difficulty, as they can move between the northern and southern part of Cyprus, according to a memorandum drawn up in the occupied Nicosia. meeting of the Committee of Ministers in Strasbourg next September.

At the same time, it is stated that the 'real estate committee' in the occupied territories is able to provide treatment in the cases of properties of Greek Cypriot Karpasites and their heirs, which the pseudo-state considers as abandoned. To date, it is added, 422 applications have been submitted by Greek Cypriots to 'EAI' for properties in the area of ​​Karpasia, with the process being completed in 43 cases, while in 12 cases the applicants did not complete the process. Of the completed cases, in 14 cases compensation was given and in 2 cases the property was restored, according to the Turkish memorandum.

The Turkish side also said that Nicosia had managed to keep the issue of the property rights of the residents of Karpasia on the agenda of the Committee of Ministers, claiming - in its expression - that the decision of the European Court of Justice 2014 to compensate the trapped E / C. and relatives of the missing may have some effect on the matter.

He then speaks of an apparent change of attitude, saying that in December 2018 “the Greek side drafted with the Secretariat of the Committee of Ministers, confirming that the decision on compensation has no effect on the measures taken to address the findings of the Court concerning this aspect ”. "However, in the meantime, more than 4 years have passed for a non-existent issue," he adds.

The time elapsed cannot justify the Cypriot side's demand for further information to the Committee of Ministers regarding the implementation of the measures taken, it added.

At the same time, the memorandum states that the Turkish side provided the Commission with information "in view of the fact that the decision in the case 'Cyprus v. Turkey' is of a transnational nature", with the Turkish delegation exercising maximum "restraint" so as not to be assigned responsibilities of the pseudo-state.

The memorandum records the positions of the Turkish side on the property rights of the inhabitants who remained in the Carpathians after the invasion of 1974 and then settled in the free zones, as well as their heirs living in the "south", as mentioned in the free zones of the Republic of Cyprus. . It is reported in this regard that from 2001 to 2008 11 cases were recorded concerning the management of such assets. After 2008 and the new "decision" of the "cabinet" of the pseudo-state, another 68 cases of property management by Greek heirs were recorded, it is added.

On the Turkish side, there is no reason to overlook the positive assessment of the measures taken by the Committee of Ministers in 2015, both in relation to the measures to safeguard the property rights of the inhabitants of Karpasia and their heirs, and to the possibility that offered to them through 'EAI'. Finally, the measures are described as effective, with the Turkish side calling for the closure of this aspect.