According to information from police sources, the well-known presenter is wanted to be arrested in the context of the Autophoros, as a 28-year-old woman appeared at the Thessaloniki Cybercrime Prosecution last night and handed over two videos of her that had been "uploaded" to a pornographic page, complaining that they come from love affairs she had with him.
The Thessaloniki prosecutor's office was immediately informed, as a result of which an arrest warrant was issued against the well-known presenter in the context of the Autophoros.
If he is not found within 24 hours, he will be summoned in due time by the prosecutor to give explanations.
The Autophoros process has started, because the Cybercrime sub-directorate in Thessaloniki found that the material is still uploaded on the internet.
"We are talking about a total of 9 videos that we know are posted on the internet," Apostolos Lytras told ANT1 and the show "Good Morning Greece", referring to Stathis Panagiotopoulos and posting content from personal moments with his erotic partners, which is offered to "Public view", without their knowledge.
"I represent the friendly daughter of the couple, who when they had contacts and their personal moments were recorded, was at a very young age," the lawyer added.
As he pointed out, speaking to ERT, the girl has filed a lawsuit and, as she said, we are waiting for developments, even within the day.
As Apostolos Lytras said, "this guy has issues of psychological and psychiatric nature and problems of insecurity, because I can not understand the reason for doing such actions."
"As far as the victims and the 'attraction' for him are concerned, obviously his television and publicity have played a role. "He has taken advantage of what his recognizability offers him, in order to make contacts," the lawyer added.
As he clarified, it remains to be seen from the investigation whether the posting of erotic videos on the internet also had a financial benefit for Stathis Panagiotopoulos, saying that "if there was a benefit and the amount is over 120.00 euros, we are talking about a crime".
He even noted that "the crime is Autophorous, the crime has not stopped, it is committed every day. The Prosecutor's Office must also take its measures ", adding that" we officially made the complaint yesterday and we are waiting to see how Justice will react ".
Mr. Lytras also revealed that he had a complaint from a girl from Thessaloniki, about the operation of an information exchange platform for sexual partners, saying that he visited her and "I saw people from all over Greece exchanging information about the sexual life of women from all over Hellas. Uploading a photo of a woman and stating that she lives there and what they call her, someone else from the users, obviously from her area, who knows her, starts and reports information about the woman's love life and more ".