Turkey: Greece violated the demilitarized regime of the islands 423 times

The Turks insist on the demilitarization of the Greek islands in the context of the permanent position for non-expansion of territorial waters in the Aegean

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The Turks do not say to stop the narrative of the demilitarization of the Greek islands of the Aegean.

In fact, the Turkish government went so far as to talk about 423 violations on Greek territory, through the Navy and the Air Force, about illegal visits of the Deputy Minister of Defense and other officials to the Greek islands and their demilitarization.

The issue was started by the Turkish Ministry of Defense and it was the turn of the Turkish media.

As Manolis Kostidis reported to SKAI, on CNN Turk there was an extensive analysis of the issue with the participation of former officers of the Turkish Armed Forces. Specifically, it was reported that "19 illegal visits were made, 11 by the Deputy Minister of Defense", meaning the Deputy Minister of National Defense, Nikos Hardalia, while the question was expressed about "what Greece is preparing".

In particular, the retired head of the intelligence service of the Turkish Armed Forces, Ismail Haki Pekin, stressed the need for Ankara to know about Greece's plans and to monitor what is happening in the western part of the Greek islands, which is invisible to the Turks.

"These islands are a threat to Turkey because they have placed weapons, but we do not see the back of the islands either. Their west side. "If you do not have advanced satellites, we do not know what preparations they are making and how many military forces they have," he said characteristically. In fact, maps were published on the same television station where, in essence, Ankara demands the demilitarization of all the Greek islands in the eastern Aegean.
According to the SKAI correspondent, the Turks insist on the demilitarization of the Greek islands in the context of the permanent position not to extend the territorial waters in the Aegean from 6 to 12 nautical miles from Greece, which is also a casus beli.

Greece with 6 miles controls 43,5% of the territorial waters in the Aegean. 49% are international waters. If it goes to 12 miles, 71,5% will be Greek territorial waters and international waters will be at 19%.
