The Deputy Minister announced on Wednesday that the Council of Ministers approved the amendment of article 13 of the Minimum Guaranteed Income and More Generally Social Benefits Laws of 2014 to 2022.
The purpose of this amendment, as he said, is the non-interruption of the payment of the Minimum Guaranteed Income to Persons with Disabilities due to the fact that they have registered in their name the residence of their relatives, mainly parents, which does not exceed three hundred (300) square meters and which they cannot exploit in any way because the property in question is subject to a usufruct for life.
As stated by Ms. Evangelou, after the meeting of the Council of Ministers the amendment concerns only Persons with Disabilities, recognizing the fact that their parents or their relatives in order to ensure their vulnerable children or their relatives after they have passed away, transfer to those with the right to usufruct the residence in which they live.
Accessibility of digital products for people with disabilities
The Council of Ministers also approved the harmonizing bill entitled "The Accessibility of Products and Services Law of 2023".
As said Ms. Evangelou, the purpose of this harmonizing bill is to transpose "Directive (EU) 2019/882 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 17, 2019, on the accessibility requirements of products and services" into Cypriot Law.
The new legal framework establishes the accessibility requirements for specific products and services that will be placed on the market after 28.6.2025, for People with Disabilities, but also other vulnerable consumers such as the elderly, as well as consumers facing functional limitations in vision, hearing , speech, touch and perception.
Specifically, as stated by the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, the accessibility requirements currently concern digital products such as computers, telephones, software, automatic cash registers and others, and services such as internet, e-mail, sms and others.
The competent authority, as he said, will be the Under-Ministery of Social Welfare, and it is envisaged that other departments and services from the Ministry will be assigned as the issues are very technical.
It is, as he said, a harmonizing bill with a European Commission directive.
Source: KYPE