Austria: Relaxation of restrictions by opening the focus

The Austrian government decided today to lift many of the restrictions imposed by the autumn

161f51a689d7ee 6 Austria, focus, measures, Restrictions, relaxation

The Austrian government decided today to lift many of the restrictions that had already been imposed since the autumn, noting that despite the continuing increase in cases, the situation in hospitals has stabilized.

According to Chancellor Carl Nehammer, from February 19, catering and tourism will once again operate under the 3G Rule, for access to vaccinated, sick and those who submit a negative PCR test of up to 48 hours or a "fast" 24-hour antigen test. Admission to the shops will be free for everyone from February 12, without a diagnostic test, but with the use of an FFP-2 mask, while from February 5 the curfew will start at midnight, instead of 22:00. , as it stands today. Next week, Mr. Nehamer noted, new regulations will be announced for the operation of schools. As for the big events, the limit of participants without a predetermined place goes up on February 5 from 25 to 50.

According to Health Minister Wolfgang Mukstein, "with the Omicron variant, we do not risk overloading the Intensive Care Units and that is why we can think of an opening strategy, but staying on the security side." We do it carefully and mainly safely, noted the Minister of Health.

Today at Austria 24.260 new cases were recorded, while a week ago the cases were 16.749. The incidence rate per 100.000 inhabitants within seven days rose to 2.500,5. In the last week they have lost their lives from its complications Covid-19 92 people.

Source: RES-EAP