EKYSY: The Easter allowance has been abolished for the majority of retirees

Retirees shout: Easter allowance has been abolished for the majority of retirees

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The Union of Cypriot Pensioners (EKYSY) in its Easter message states that the Easter allowance according to the criteria set by the Government has been abolished for the majority of pensioners, even the lowly pensioners.

According to the announcement, retirees who have low pensions and incomes below the poverty line and for the 9th consecutive year, carried away by announcements that "the Easter pension will be granted to low-income retirees this year", run to the banks to receive it, but leave. frustrated because they find out or inform them that they are not entitled to it.

"While the poverty line for one person is € 10324 per year, the criterion for the Easter allowance remains based on the decision of the Council of Ministers at € 6500. For a household of 2 people the poverty line is € 15486 per year and the income criterion for the Easter allowance for 2 people is € 11000 per year. In other words, the income criterion for the Easter allowance is significantly reduced in relation to the poverty line ", it is reported.

At the same time, EKYSY assures the pensioners that it will continue the fight for the recovery and restoration of their rights to the point where it was before the cuts and for a decent living, in order to reach the point of not having poor retirees.

EKYSY's priority at this time, it is reported, is to abolish the 12% penalty reduction for those who have retired or will retire at the age of 63. It will also fight, he added, to solve the problems of caring for the elderly, grant widowhood to all widows, finally bring order and review the applications of retirees in a timely manner and receive answers in writing and by telephone.