Cypriot Pensioners Association: Demands timely payment in December

The request of the Union of Cypriot Pensioners

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In an announcement, EKYSY clarifies that all retirees based on the legislation of Social Insurance, except for the December pension are entitled and will be paid the 13th pension.

The Union of Pensioners requests from the Ministry of Labor to implement the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 4/12/2019 for a retroactive increase (from 1/1/2020) of the sponsorship to those who receive a low pensioner allowance.

He also demands that the honorarium be paid to those who receive a social pension and are over 63 years old, as well as other special cases who served with additional service in the National Guard during the period 1974 or were hostages or victims and war invalids.

Finally, EKYSY asks the Ministry of Labor, due to the problems created by the pandemic of the coronation, to schedule all payments in December so that the beneficiaries are paid normally before Christmas and without hassle.
Source: KYPE