Week of decisions for the beginning of the school year

908b015e37ba97b6dca36f6549801781 KORONIOS, measures, school year

There are a few weeks left before the start of the new school year, with teachers returning to school first on September 1st.

The Committee set up exclusively for the preparation of the guidelines will have a meeting today with the officials of the Ministry of Education in order to put on the table presentations that will give the final decisions on how to start the school year, while a meeting will be held on the same subject. held between the Minister of Education, Prodromos Prodromou and the leadership of the teachers' organization.

There may be three scenarios, such as rotational education, a school year with self-protection measures and distance learning, but the final decisions will be based solely on the epidemiological picture of Cyprus.

However, speaking about this in the "Morning Show" of Radio Proto, the Minister of Education, Prodromos Prodromou, said among other things that, "it is now obvious that this year will not be a normal school year in the sense that the epidemic is still here. This year will begin with the implementation of health protocols ".

The Directorate of Primary Education has already made an announcement-information to the school administrations, that the schools will operate in accordance with the protocols that will be decided in consultation with the Ministry of Health.

Source: Sigmalive