The Pancyprian Confederation of Parents' Associations of Public Secondary Schools states that with the announcement of the program of the B Series of the four-month exams on January 26, it immediately identified a number of distortions that would result in great inconvenience to students, increase it. the creation of obvious inequality in comparison with the children who sat in the A series.
Immediately on January 27, it is noted, a letter was sent to the Ministry of Education in which we pointed out the distortions, the most important of which is the examination on the same day of two courses, which "has brought children to their limits." It can not be considered logical to include Chemistry and Mathematics (C Lyceum), Chemistry and Biology (B Lyceum) he says.
"For the benefit of the children alone, we asked that both, Directorates of Secondary General and Secondary Technical Education, extend the program so that it includes examination on both Saturdays of the examination week so that students are not examined in two courses of the same field. day and lighten their schedule. "Unfortunately, our concerns and suggestions have not been heeded and our every fear has been confirmed," he added.
It is unacceptable for us, say the organized parents, to victimize a large portion of students with the excuse that the legislation stipulates that the B series of exams lasts one week. "If the legislation has distortions, they had to be corrected before the examination period, as was the case with so many other issues related to the provisions of the legislation. "If the amendment of the legislation was not possible, the examinations should have been suspended and not be another burden on the education and psycho-emotional health of the children who are already suffering from the pandemic, either as cases or as contacts", it is noted.
With the B four months starting in a few days and with the days of useful teaching time being only 56, the organized parents ask the Competent Authority to immediately change the legislation to extend the time period of the B series of exams for A and B Lyceum / TESEK classes in May 2022 and suspension of the B four-month exams for the C Lyceum / TESEK class.
"Students in the third grade are inconceivable for us to have to go through the hardships they went through once again during the A four-month exams, and a few days later have to take the Pancyprian Access Exams. If the revision of the legislation for the extension of the time period for the B series cannot be achieved, the B four-month examinations of the other classes should also be suspended. The pandemic is spreading and the cases are increasing, a fact that does not allow the complacency that a B series of examinations will not be needed during the B four months ", it is added.
They also demand an immediate review of the material of the B four months for all classes, its adjustment to the useful teaching time and the immediate information of teachers and students about the subject matter.
"We also express our strong dissatisfaction because the philosophy of the four-month exams has been eliminated. "Instead of the whole process and the final writings being in the context of formative assessment, lightening the weight of the students, they have been turned into comparative assessment writings (Cypriot exam level) leading the children to stress and tension", it is noted.
Many parents, it is reported, are already in financial difficulty, as tutoring has been greatly increased to enable their children to cope.
"The Competent Authority must restore the four-month examinations to their original philosophy and original purpose and not to maintain the existing destructive situation for children and schools," it said.
In addition to the above problems, the organized parents report, several children from the highlands have suffered and are suffering because they lost their exams due to the weather conditions and thus another group of students is created who is victimized by the daily and multiple exams.
"If the Ministry of Education can not implement the legislation or can not supervise if the legislation is implemented properly, then the full suspension of the implementation of the legislation is immediately required here and now until all the problems are solved so that our children are not victims." the announcement concludes.
Source: KYPE