Fine of 1500 euros to a company for toys with toxic substances

You owe a breach of the provisions of the Chemicals Legislation.

0604a6d88b74cecfcaea8be6b2fc938f Κύπρος, παιδικα παιχνιδια

Within the framework of its responsibilities, the Labor Inspection Department of the Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance promoted the criminal prosecution of the company YAKUMO ENTERPRISES LTD for violation of its provisions on the Legislation on Chemicals.

As a result, the District Court of Nicosia in October 2021 sentenced the above company to a fine of € 1500 because it had on the market for sale, to the general public, children's toys that contained toxic to reproduction chemicals (phthalates).

According to European Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH), toys and childcare articles placed on the market may not contain certain phthalates in concentrations greater than 0,1% by weight (w / w) of the laminate. .