The low-paid members of EQUALITY are going on a two-hour strike today

The low-paid civil servants are going on a two-hour strike today

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In a two-hour work stop, from 13:00 p.m. to 15:00 p.m., the low-paid civil servants, members of the Equality union, are going on strike today, as a sign of protest for the stagnation, as they say, in their advancement.

In a statement by the Branch Council of Secretarial and Office Personnel of the guild, it is stated that in a letter sent on March 6 to the Minister of Finance, the Council pointed out "the significant injustices and omissions included in the regulation for the accelerated advancement of low-wage civil servants and permanent employees and requested their immediate correction".

The Council does not exclude the escalation of the measures if there is no update with a specific timetable from the Government, as it states.

Source: KYPE